In-hospital Anesthesia Services
Veterinary hospitals can solicit our services to come on-site and have a Board Certified Anesthesiologist directly manage a patient during the peri-anesthetic period. This includes:
Review of patient history
Recommendations for pre-anesthetic diagnostics or therapies
Physical exam of patient
Protocol development
Use of multimodal analgesia
Induction, maintenance and recovery of patient
Recommendations for postoperative patient monitoring
Recommendations for postoperative pain management
Services available in several states (please reach out for more information)

Case Consultations
Consultations via phone or email can be provided to veterinarians by our Board Certified
Anesthesiologist, in advance of a procedure. Consultation service would include:
Evaluation of patient history and diagnostics previously performed
Recommendations for any additional diagnostics that may be needed
Development of an anesthetic protocol tailored for each individual patient
Suggestions provided on how to minimize and manage any anticipated anesthetic risk
Recommendations for management of post-procedural pain
Consultation services for veterinary teams available in all states